“St. Francis receives the stigmata” scene taken from the “Stories of St. Francis” Giotto, around 1317-1321 Basilica of Santa Croce, right transept, above the entrance arch of the Bardi chapel, Florence.
“Legend of the True Cross” Agnolo Gaddi, 1380-1390 Basilica of Santa Croce, main chapel, Florence.
“Stories from the life of St. John the Baptist” Lorenzo & Jacopo Salimbeni, 1416 Oratory of St. John the Baptist, Urbino.
“Stories of Mosé” and “Stories of Jesus” Pietro Perugino, Sandro Botticelli, Cosimo Rosselli, Luca Signorelli, Bartolomeo della Gatta , Domenico Ghirlandaio, Pietro di Cosimo, 1481-1482 Hendrik van den Broeck, 1572 Matteo da Lecce, 1574 Sistine Chapel, intermediate register, Vatican City.
On canvas
“The arrival in Cologne” Vittore Carpaccio, 1490-1495 Academy Galleries, Venice.
“Nymph and Satyr (Angelica and Orlando Furioso)” Dosso Dossi, around 1510-1516 Palatine Gallery and Royal Apartments, Apollo Room, Pitti Palace, Florence.
“Ecstasy of Saint Cecilia among Saints Paul, John the Evangelist, Augustine and Mary Magdalene” Raffaello Sanzio, 1518 National Picture Gallery, Bologna. (Painting on wood, subsequently transferred to canvas)
“Holy Family with St. Jerome” Lorenzo Lotto, 1534 Uffizi Gallery, Florence.
“Jesus Christ is the good thief” Tiziano Vecellio, around 1563 National Picture Gallery, Bologna.
“Saint Francis in meditation” Caravaggio, 1606 National Gallery of Ancient Art, Barberini Palace, Rome.
“Massacre of the Innocents” Guido Reni, 1611 National Picture Gallery, Bologna.
“Allegory of the five senses” Mattia and Gregorio Preti, 1642-43 National Gallery of Ancient Art, Barberini Palace, Rome.
“L’Hétaїre” Pablo Picasso, 1901 Giovanni and Marella Agnelli Art Gallery, Lo Scrigno, Turin.
“Mommy” Gaetano Previati, 1908 National Gallery of Modern Art GNAM, Rome.
“Dynamism of a body” Umberto Boccioni, 1913 Gallery of Modern Art, Milan.
“After fishing” Ausonio Tanda, around 1965 Profilocolore, Rome.
On wood
“Polyptych” Giotto, around 1330 National Picture Gallery, Bologna.
“Triptych of Montefiore” Carlo Crivelli, 1471 Museum of San Francesco, Montefiore dell’Aso, Ascoli Piceno.
“Polyptych of Sant’Emidio” Carlo Crivelli, 1473 Cathedral of Sant’Emidio, Ascoli Piceno.
“Bracci Holy Family” Andrea del Sarto, around 1523 Palatine Gallery and Royal Apartments, Apollo Room, Pitti Palace, Florence.
“Luco’s pity” Andrea del Sarto, 1523-1524 Palatine Gallery and Royal Apartments, Pitti Palace, Florence.
“Last Supper” Domenico Theotokòpulos known as El Greco, 1567-1568 National Picture Gallery, Bologna.
“Madonna with Child, St. Domenico, St. Joseph and devotees” Luca Cambiaso and workshop, 16th century Church of San Giovanni Battista, Monterosso al Mare, La Spezia.
“Crucifixion of Viterbo” students of Michelangelo, 16th century Colle del Duomo Museum, Viterbo.
On copper
“Virgin of the Immaculate Conception” 17th century S. Giuliano Monastery, L’Aquila.
“Praying Virgin with Sleeping Child” 17th century S. Giuliano Monastery, L’Aquila.
On paper
“Nautical Chart 1” Bartolomeo Trincherio of Pareto, 1455 Vittorio Emanuele II National Central Library, Rome.
“The Persian prince Humay meets the Chinese princess Humayun in a garden”, around 1450 Musée des Arts Decoratifs, Paris.
Mural paintings
“Mural paintings” 6th century a.C. Campana Tomb, Veio.
“Mural paintings” 700-690 a.C. Tomb of the Roaring Lions, Veio.
“Madonna with child and angels between Saints Jerome and Francis” Antonio del Massaro known as il Pastura,15th-16th century Civic Museum, Viterbo.
“Bal Tic Tac” Giacomo Balla, around 1921 Villa Huffer, Milano street, Rome.
“Parade of St. John” drawings by Antonio del Pollaiolo, 1466-1488 Museum of the Opera del Duomo, Florence.
“Ruggero’s room” 1154-1166 Ruggero’s room, Royal Palace, Palermo.
“Lion of the fountain of the four rivers” terracotta sketch by Gian Lorenzo Bernini, around 1649-1650 Academy of San Luca, Rome.
“Allegory of a river” De Boulogne Jean known as Giambologna, 1567-1576 Academy of San Luca, Rome.
“Socrates saves Alcibiades in the battle of Potidea” Antonio Canova, 1797 Academy of San Luca, Rome.
“Reliquary bust of Saint Andrew” Mother Church, Badolato Superiore.
“Reliquary bust of Santa Veneranda” Diocesan Museum, Gerace.
Golden bronze
“North Gate of the Baptistery of Florence” Lorenzo Ghiberti, 1401-1424 Museum of the Opera del Duomo, Florence.
“Manuscript of the 400” text by Homer and palimpsest by Iōánnēs Malálas State Library of the National Monument, Grottaferrata, Rome.
“Study of watermarks” Incunabula of the Library of St. Scolastica, 1464-1467, Benedictine Monastery of St. Scolastica, Subiaco.
“Oetzi the Iceman” 3300-3100 BC South Tyrol Museum of Archeology, Bolzano.