
Colantonio C., Clivet L., Coquinot Y., Maury C., Melis M., Boust C.

“Integration of multispectral imaging, XRF mapping and Raman analysis for noninvasive study of illustrated manuscripts: the case study of fifteenth century “Humay meets the Princess Humayun” Persian masterpiece from Louvre Museum”

The European Physical Journal Plus, Vol 136, art. num. 958,  DOI: 10.1140/epjp/s13360-021-01909-8, 2021.

Agresti G., Burrascano P., Calabrò G., Colantonio C., Lanteri L., Laureti S., Melis M., Pelosi C., Ricci M., Sfarra S.

“Hypercolorimetric multispectral Imaging and Pulse Compression thermography as innovative combined techniques for painting investigation: the case of a detached wall painting by Pastura” 

IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering, Vol. 949: 012008, DOI:10.1088/1757-899X/949/1/012008, 2020.

Laureti S., Colantonio C., Burrascano P., Melis M., Calabrò G., Malekmohammadi H., Sfarra S., Ricci M., Pelosi C.

“Development of integrated innovative techniques for paintings examination: The case studies of The Resurrection of Christ attributed to Andrea Mantegna and the Crucifixion of Viterbo attributed to Michelangelo’s workshop”

Journal of Cultural Heritage, Vol. 40, pp. 1-16,, December 2019.


Fotografare l’invisibile? Si può fare, e con la massima precisione e risoluzione”

GEOmedia, anno XXIII N°1/2019, 12-14, Genuary/February 2019.

Colantonio C., Pelosi C., D’Alessandro L., Sottile S., Calabrò G., Melis M.

Hypercolorimetric multispectral imaging system for cultural heritage diagnostics: an innovative study for copper painting examination”

The European Physical Journal Plus, Vol. 133: 526, DOI:10.1140/epjp/i2018-12370-9, December 2018.

Locquet , Dong J., Melis M., Citrin D. S.

“Terahertz pulsed imaging reveals the stratigraphy of a seventeenth-century oil painting”

SPIE Photonics Europe, Proceedings Vol. 10677, Unconventional Optical Imaging, 106771Z, Strasbourg, France,, May 2018.

Dong J., Locquet A., Melis M., Citrin D. S.

“Global mapping of stratigraphy of an old-master painting using sparsity-based terahertz reflectometry”

Scientific Reports, Vol. 7:15098, DOI:10.1038/s41598-017-15069-2, November 2017.

Locquet , Dong J., Melis M., Citrin D. S.

“Terahertz imaging for subsurface investigation of art paintings”

SPIE Optical Engineering + Applications, Proceedings Vol. 10383, Terahertz Emitters, Receivers, and Applications VIII, 103830Q, San Diego, California, United States,, August 2017.

Dong J., Jackson B., Melis M., Giovanacci D., Walker G.C, Locquet A., Bowen J.W, Citrin D.S.

“Terahertz frequency-wavelet domain deconvolution for stratigraphic and subsurface investigation of art painting”

Optics Express, Vol. 24 (23), pp.26972-26985, Munich, Germany,, November 2016.

Jackson, J.B., Melis, M., Dong, J.,Bowen, J., Citrin, D.

“Comparative Study of mid-20th C. Art Using THz and X-ray”

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Samadelli M., Melis M., Miccoli M., Vigl E.E., Zink A.R.

“Complete mapping of the tattoos of the 5300-year-old Tyrolean Iceman”

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“Le pitture murali dei fratelli Salimbeni nell’Oratorio di San Giovanni a Urbino. Un approccio integrato nelle tecniche di imaging: l’utilizzo del HYPERCOLORIMETRIC MULTISPECTRAL IMAGING (HMI) per lo studio delle superfici dipinte”

XIII Congresso Nazionale IGIIC – Lo stato dell’Arte, Centro Conservazione e Restauro La Venaria Reale, Turin, 22-24 October 2015.

Jackson B., Melis M., Walker G., Giovannacci D., Miccoli M., Martos-Levif D., Bowen J., Detalle V.

“Terahertz and multispectral imaging of a Tanda painting”

SPIE Optical Metrology, Proceedings Vol. 9527, Optics for Arts, Architecture, and Archaeology V, 95270K, Munich, Germany,, 30 June 2015.

Melis M., Miccoli M., Quarta D.

“Variante Full Range su fotocamere Nikon: hardware e software fanno sistema e misurano la riflettanza spettrale”

Nikon experience, December 2013.

Miccoli M., Quarta D., Melis M. 

“Sensibilità allo spettro dei sensori Nikon FX e DX: sulla via del colore”

Nikon experience, October 2013.

Melis M., Miccoli M.

“Trasformazione evoluzionistica di una fotocamera reflex digitale in un sofisticato strumento per misure fotometriche e colorimetriche”

IX Conferenza del Colore, Florence, September 2013.

Miccoli M., Melis M.

Multispectral light metering system for cultural heritage diagnosis and conservation”

SPIE Optical Metrology, Proceedings Vol. 8790, Optics for Arts, Architecture, and Archaeology IV, 879016, Munich, Germany,, June 2013.

Miccoli M., Melis M.

Modular wide spectrum lighting system for diagnosis, conservation, and restoration”

SPIE Optical Metrology, Proceedings Vol. 8790, Optic for Arts, Architecture, and Archaeology, 879017, Munich, Germany,, May 2013.

Melis M., Miccoli M., Quarta D.

“Multispectral Hypercolorimetry and automatic guided pigment identification: some masterpieces case studies”

SPIE Optical Metrology, Proceedings Vol. 8790, Optics for Arts, Architecture, and Archeology IV, Munich, Germany,, May 2013.

Melis M., Babbi A., Miccoli M.

“Development of a UV to IR extension to the standard colorimetry, based on a seven band modified DSLR camera to better characterize surfaces, tissues and fabrics”

SPIE Optical Metrology, Proceedings Vol. 8084, O3A: Optics for Arts, Architecture, and Archaeology III, 80840C, Munich, Germany,, June 2011.